Blackburn Says Biden’s Speech a Distraction from His Failures While Speech Draws Negative Response

A U.S. Senator from Tennessee says President Joe Biden’s Thursday night speech, wherein he labeled his political opponents as “extremists” who are a threat to the United States is simply a distraction tactic.

“Don’t allow Joe Biden to distract from the real problem: inflation is at a 40-year high, there is a crisis at our southern border, and our adversaries don’t fear us,” Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) said.

“Joe Biden gave a speech attacking Republicans to distract from the fact his economic agenda caused inflation to reach a historic 40-year high and sent our economy into a recession,” she said later.

She also noted that Biden’s talk of “extremism” seemed misguided.

“The extreme MAGA agenda is securing the border, reducing inflation, lowering taxes, and upholding the Constitution,” she said in a third tweet.

Blackburn has been firing back at the Biden administration all week for its escalating rhetoric against supporters of former President Donald Trump.

After Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said that Republicans are “an extreme threat to our democracy, to our freedom [and] to our rights,” Blackburn told The Tennessee Star that Jean-Pierre was also deflecting.

“While the press secretary’s comments are appalling, they aren’t surprising. Democrats and their friends in the liberal media are no strangers to using these over-the-top accusations to silence conservatives,” she told the The Star Thursday. “The fact of the matter is that the Biden White House is terrified to have a debate over how their disastrous policies have caused inflation to hit a 40-year high and created a crisis at our southern border, so they’re resorting to scare tactics. Unfortunately for them, it’s not going to work.”

Biden has been widely slammed for his Thursday speech.

“That was the most demagogic, outrageous, and divisive speech I have ever seen from an American president. Joe Biden essentially declared all those who oppose him and his agenda enemies of the republic. Truly shameful,” said conservative commentator Ben Shapiro.

Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene (R-GA-14) called for his impeachment over the speech.

“Joe Biden just declared all of us enemies of the state. Biden is a danger to us all. Joe Biden MUST BE IMPEACHED!!” she said.

Even some whose politics are left-leaning decried the speech.

“Biden engaged in extreme Stochastic Terrorism last night,” said commentator Tim Pool, who describes himself as a “disaffected liberal.”

Watch Biden’s full remarks:

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Pete D’Abrosca is a contributor at The Tennessee Star and The Star News Network. Follow Pete on Twitter. Email tips to [email protected].
Image “Sen Marsha Blackburn” by Sen. Marsha Blackburn and “President Joe Biden” is by C-Span.



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3 Thoughts to “Blackburn Says Biden’s Speech a Distraction from His Failures While Speech Draws Negative Response”

  1. 83ragtop50

    It cannot be a “threat to our democracy”. The United States is a Democratic REPUBLIC! I surely wish the politicians and talking heads would make the distinction. But just maybe they do not know the facts.

  2. 83ragtop50

    Just an empty shell reading the garbage that his handlers put on the teleprompter.
